St James' Church
Weddington and Caldecote
Please note a recorded extract of our Sunday services can be viewed on Facebook for those unable to attend in person;
to access these recordings just open the Facebook link below:
Once you have activated the Facebook link, look for and select the Videos tab to find the latest video posts.
As part of the Coventry Diocese, our mission is to worship God, make new disciples and transform communities.
At the centre of our faith is a relationship with God made possible by Jesus, which brings a hope we want to share with others.
You might already know what you believe, or you might have lots of questions. Either way, we're here to help!
For further information about our church, our menu button is located at the top right hand corner of your screen.If you would like further information about our ‘sister church’, St Nicolas Church, Nuneaton, then click here to visit their website.
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Please follow this link if you would like to make an online donation to the church - Thank you!
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Copyright © Simply Informed 2010