Information Page

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Church of England
Diocese of Coventry Church Online
This is church
Text week
Church Year Calendar
Parish Giving Scheme
Churchyard Regulations
Guidance for the erection of memorials
Sometimes we receive enquiries about the nature of memorials that are permitted in Weddington Churchyard.
Permission is needed for any memorial and it is the Chancellor of the Diocese with whom
the decision ultimately rests.
Guidance for the erection of memorials is available at this link
Memorials; hopefully you will find this helpful to you if you would like to erect a memorial.
Floral Tributes
People are very welcome to visit a grave at any time and will often want to bring a floral
tribute to remember their loved one.
Where ashes burials are in plots with a shared memorial stone,
flowers must only be placed in the water troughs provided.
For further information and to see what is allowed and what is not permitted in a churchyard please
follow this link.
Floral Tributes
Thank you for helping us look after the churchyard in accordance with churchyard regulations.
Bible Support material:
Online Bibles
Blue Letter Bible
Bible Org
Bible Support material (AJH bits):
Bible Timeline 1
Bible Timeline 2
Bible Timeline 3
Bible Timeline 4
Bible Chronolgy
Between the testaments
O.T. view in A4
N.T. view in A4
200BC-150AD in A4
Timeline of ancient history
Ancient Civilizations Timeline
Just how big is the universe? It takes our Sun 250 million years to orbit the Milky Way.
Ultimately, the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years across and 1,000 light-years thick. Our solar system is located about 26,000 light-years away from the center of the galaxy.
If that's not impressive enough, our star is just 1 of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way. As such, scientists estimate that there could be as many as 3.2 trillion planets in our galaxy.
And keep in mind, these are just the numbers for our own tiny galaxy. According to NASA, there are about 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe.
Howbig is Space
Eco Church:
Eco Church.
A Rocha UK’s award scheme
for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.
Information useful to those involved in leading Worship:
Church of England worship material
Transforming Centre
Fresh Expressions
The Northumbria Community
The Worship Cloud
HOPE: HOPE is a catalyst for local church mission in villages, towns and cities.
The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC)
Useful resources for rethinking what church is about, including a range of practical initiatives, to help churches
discuss and embrace change.
Safeguarding Info:
Safeguarding Policy
Diocese of coventry safeguarding
Application Form for working with those at risk
Safeguarding Pew Sheet
Safeguarding Training Summary
Safeguarding Dashboards
Data Protection
St James' Data Protection Privacy Notice.
St James' Declaration of Data Retention.
St James' Data Protection Consent Form.
Parish Resources General Data Protection Regulation
A Parish Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The official PDF of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)
The European Data Protection Regulation will be applicable as of May 25th, 2018 in all member states to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe
Breach of the Data Protection act must be reported to the ICO within 72hrs
ICO: Information Commissioner's Office
What do I need to do if there is a data breach?
A personal data breach is one that leads to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration,
unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data. Currently, data breaches do not have to be
routinely notified to the ICO or others (although the ICO recommends that it is good practice so to
do). The GDPR makes informing the ICO and the individuals affected compulsory in certain
circumstances, (e.g. where there is a high risk to the individuals involved, for instance, through
identity theft). Under the GDPR, you will have to notify the ICO of a data breach within 72 hours of
finding out about this. It is important that those in the parish note this deadline and seek the advice
of the diocesan registrar about any suspected breaches without delay.
More details can be provided after 72 hours, but before then the ICO will want to know the
potential scope and the cause of the breach, mitigation actions you plan to take, and how you plan
to address the problem.
Electoral Roll Form
Application for inclusion on St James church roll
The Coventry Diocesan Office:
The Diocesan Office Contacts
Resources for Children's Services:
Scripture Union
Tear Fund Resources
The Children's Society
International Ministries to Children
Bible Crafts and Resources for Children
Sunday School Network Free Resources
Childrens Ministry Free Childrens Lessons
Truth for Kids
Ministry to Children
Pinterest List of resources
Bible crafts and activities
Kids World Moral Stories
Youth Development
Mustard Seed Resources
Kids Sunday School
Power Pack Ministries
Christmas Resources
Toy Box Organisation
Church Manuals / Instructions:
Manual: Potterton Boiler
Manual: Copier
Instruction: Technical Setup for Sunday Morning Services (Compiled by Adrian)
Church Documents:
8 Essential Qualities
2015 8EQs Survey Results
PCC Annual Report
The Diocese of Coventry
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