
Sunday Services
Currently we meet at 10am each Sunday with a service of Morning Worship on the 1st Sunday, ‘Third Sunday’ all-age worship and a service of Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. On a 5th Sunday of the month we join with our sister church, St Nicolas Nuneaton for worship either in Weddington or Nuneaton (as advertised).
On this week
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Click here for current monthly service rota.
Please note a recorded extract of our Sunday services can be viewed on Facebook for those unable to attend in person; to access these recordings just open the Facebook link below:

Once you have activated the Facebook link, look for and press the Videos tab to find the latest and live video posts.
Baptism Services
Christening (or baptism) is the first step on a journey of faith that lasts a lifetime. It is about believing and belonging and it is a very public and outward expression of the gift of God’s grace.
At St James you can be christened (baptised) as a baby or child. We also offer baptism for young people and adults who have not been baptised as infants but want to make a public statement about their own faith in Jesus.
For young people or adults who have been baptised you may want to consider Confirmation or a reaffirmation of your baptismal promises.
If you are looking to have a thanksgiving service for your new baby/child then we can arrange that for you too.
To help you in your decision visit Church of England Christenings and Church of England Thanksgiving Services for more information including FAQs, requirements for christenings, information for parents/godparents and how to continue on this amazing faith journey.
In any case we’d love to meet with you and help you to prepare to take this important step, so please come along to a service at St James in the first instance.
For further information please contact the Parish Office on 02476 344553 or email
Wedding Services
If you are engaged and planning a wedding, congratulations!
Getting married in a church building is about so much more than ‘booking a venue’ but we do have an amazing building in which to celebrate your special day.Do pop along to a church service sometime – you’ll be made very welcome!
Here is a little information to help you take the next step in your planning. We also recommend visiting the Church of England weddings website for lots of detailed information and great planning advice. Here’s the link A Church of England Wedding
Getting Married at St James
You are able to get married in St James’ Church whether or not you are a member of the church community.One of you will need to have at least one of the following connections to the church:
- you live in the parish (you can check your parish by entering your postcode on the ‘A Church Near You’ website
- you worship regularly as part of this church
- you have a ‘qualifying connection’ by which you can be married at the church, as described on the Your Church Wedding website.
Making a Booking
When you’re ready please do get in touch with us to discuss the next steps. You can phone the Parish Office on 02476 344553 or email and we will check that you are in a position to make a booking.
We will then need you to complete some provisional paperwork and we’ll meet up with you. We also give couples a helpful booklet to guide you through your preparations and answer some of the frequently asked questions.
Generally speaking the church costs are the smallest part of a wedding budget! The fees increase a little each year and vary according to your specific requirements. In 2024 it costs £585 to marry in your local parish church. That includes the cost of the vicar, the church, publishing your banns, your marriage document, the marriage preparation and rehearsal, the lighting of the building and all the administration costs.
There are a few optional extras - heating the building, a verger, a pianist, etc.which we will explain more about when you get in touch.
Wedding Blessing Services
We can also arrange a Wedding Blessing Service at St James for those couples who have had/or are planning a civil wedding who would like to dedicate their marriage to God in church soon afterwards.For further information please contact the Parish Office on 02476 344553 or email
Funeral Services
Please contact the Parish Administrator at if you wish to arrange a Funeral or Burial of Ashes Service.
For further information or to arrange any of the above Services please click here: Contact Us
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